The Book of Nahum – Nahum stands in contrast [completion] to the book of Jonah [Nahum is Jonah II], [Jonah] which depicts at an earlier time, Yahweh’s [God’s] concern for even His [Israel’s] bitterest enemy, Assyria – But now [a generation after Jonah] Assyria’s sin has “reached its full measure” (Genesis 15:16) – The book of Nahum is a carefully crafted and executed piece of poetry in which a whole variety of prophetic forms – hymns, salvation, doom, taunt, dirge – are carefully interwoven so as to effect what is basically a “woe oracle” over Ninevah (Assyria), along with a salvation oracle over [Southern Israel] Judah (Doc)

OVERVIEW: Nahum is an unrelenting denunciation of, and pronouncement of, God's judgment against Assyria for her own unrelenting cruelty as master of the nations. As such, Nahum stands in contrast to the book of Jonah, which depicts at an earlier time, Yahweh's concern for even His bitterest enemy, Assyria. But now Assyria's sin has "reached its full measure" (Genesis 15:16), and Yahweh's famous patience is at an end. The key to Nahum's message is 1:7,8 which simultaneously expresses comfort for Judah and destruction for Ninevah. The overall progression of the prophecy is straight forward. It begins with a Divine Warrior victory hymn (1:2-8), the last lines of which (vs. 7,8) serve also to introduce the first major oracle (1:9 - 2:2). This is followed by a vision of Ninevah's ruin (2:3-10), plus a taunt (vs. 11-13). Next comes a series of oracles and taunts that declare the absolute certainty of Ninevah's demise (3:1-17), concluding with a satirical dirge over the fallen empire (vs. 18,19). -- UNDERSTANDING NAHUM: The book of Nahum is a carefully crafted and executed piece of poetry in which a whole variety of prophetic forms - hymns, salvation, doom, taunt, dirge - are carefully interwoven so as to effect what is basically a "woe oracle" over Ninevah (Assyria), along with a salvation oracle over Judah. Part of Nahum's mastery is his immediate introduction of Yahweh (1:2-6) followed by the interweaving of oracles against Ninevah and to Judah, without mentioning Judah until 1:15 and Ninevah until 2:8 (the NIV supplies the names earlier to help the reader through the alternating pattern in the first oracle). All of this is expressed in poetic style with a whole variety of parallelisms and evocative imagery. [link]

Nahum 1-3 – The prophecies and book of Nahum is considered to be a counterpart to the earlier book of Jonah – Where Jonah went to Assyria to provide that generation with the opportunity to repent the prophet Nahum now prophesies of the coming destruction of Assyria in the next generation or two – The prophet Nahum reveals the God is the overseer of the nations all of the nations the Jewish nation of Israel as well as the powerful Gentile nations like Assyria — ‘Nahum 1:3 The LORD is slow to anger, and great in power, and will not at all acquit the wicked: *the LORD hath His way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of His feet.’ {Note: continually the Bible declares that the creation [Mother Nature] reveals and testifies to the glory of God.}

Nahum 3:18-19 Thy shepherds slumber, O king of Assyria: thy nobles shall dwell in the dust: thy people is scattered upon the mountains, and no man gathereth them. There is no healing of thy bruise; thy wound is grievous: all that hear the bruit of thee shall clap the hands over thee: for upon whom hath not thy wickedness passed continually? - The prophet Nahum prophesies primarily towards the ancient national power of Assyria. Assyria was an ancient power center ruling for approximately 700 years it was centrally located on the Tigris River in northern modern Iraq and was originally a part of the original set of ancient cities founded by the ancient ruler Nimrod. - Earlier the prophet Jonah was sent to Nineveh the capital of Assyria delivering a message of delayed judgment if the nation repented before God and the nation of Assyria did repented for a generation or two and now Nahum is prophesying the eventual destruction of Assyria the mighty nation that itself oversaw the destruction of every nation that was within its grasp to topple and destroy.

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